
North OC Community College District will continue to fly the Pride flag California students walk out en masse in protest of school board’s anti-LGBTQ+ policies Further Reading: PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: Understanding and Celebrating Pride Flags


Our hearts go out to the family of 66-year-old Laura Ann Carleton This is truly a tragedy. So unnecessary. Carleton was a spirited ally. She did not identify as LGBTQ+ but “spent her time helping and advocating for everyone in the community.”Our hearts go out to the...


A Cinnabon store in Northridge, CA, was ordered by corporate HQ to take down all Rainbow Flags. Employees went on strike on August 4 for a planned three-day protestCalifornia’s North OC. More. Community College District tried to ban the Rainbow Flag at the July 25th...


Baltimore area’s Anne Arundel County School Board members unexpectedly rejected a flag ban on school property, thereby permitting Pride, Black Lives Matter and similar flags at schools and in classrooms. Activists made contact with the Gilbert Baker Foundation,...


Petition · Connetquot School District: Reverse The Pride Flag Ban · Change.org Darien’s LGBTQ residents protest town’s pride flag policy (darientimes.com)

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