2024 PRIDE

The Gilbert Baker Foundation is proud to support all the activists who are openly defying the unjust bans and restrictions on flying the Rainbow Flag!
Last year, the Gilbert Baker Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union partnered to create SAVE THE RAINBOW FLAG, a multi-tiered program to help communities fight back.
Report a Flag Ban
We’re keeping track of the Rainbow Flag bans on our interactive live map. Use the form to notify us and we’ll track.
Get Our Toolkit
We’ve partnered with the ACLU and created a set of resources to help you push back against the bans.
Raise a Virtual Flag
Help spread the word about the bans on social media. Use our Augmented Reality Pride Flag and fly a flag that no one can ever take down.
Defiant Pride
Honoring Brave Activists
DEFIANT PRIDE is dedicated to the activists and organizations taking a stand against injustice, ensuring the symbol of LGBTQ pride continues to wave high.
While there have been over 50+ bans on flying the Rainbow Flag, there have also been quite a few triumphs.
The Wins
Join us in applauding these ongoing efforts to promote equality and freedom. Check back often – we’ll continue to share many defiant stories below.
Join us in celebrating and advancing the legacy of the iconic Rainbow Flag creator, Gilbert Baker. As an ambassador, you'll play a crucial role in advocating for LGBTQ rights and promoting inclusivity worldwide.The Gilbert Baker Foundation Ambassador Program is a...
Two Conservative East Bay School Board Members Who Banned the Pride Flag Get Recalled.
A recall election last week decided the fates of two school board members in the Sunol Glen Unified School District who were elected during the pandemic, and they're out.
Anaheim neighbors show solidarity after Pride flag vandalism
The man walks over to the Pride flag- he pulls out a knife and slashes through the flag, then rips the flag and pole down.
Following vandalism, LGBTQ advocates call for support in Milton
Woods Hollow flags were torn down multiple times before being put back up — now with a security camera.s
Teacher sues school district over denial of display of Pride flag
Sixteen claims in suit for sex discrimination, hostile work environment
Activists mobilize to raise money for federal lawsuit challenging Hamtramck’s Pride flag ban
Two city residents filed the suit in hopes of resurrecting the pro-LGBTQ+ flag on public property
Activists light up Jacksonville bridge in rainbow colors after DeSantis ban
L.A. County Supervisor Janice Hahn Raises Pride Flag After City Council Bans Them
Hahn fights back against the Downey City Council's vote to fly 'neutral' flags on city property by raising the Pride Flag in a ceremony at the L.A. County Office of Education ...
Residents of a Small Massachusetts Town Came Together to Replace 200 Stolen Pride Flags
The flags went missing from the Carlisle, Massachusetts town center.
Florida cities fly Pride flags after the GOP’s failed attempt to ban them
"I hope it shines like a beacon to the rest of the state, to the rest of the country."
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Mayor Bowser leads LGBTQ Pride flag raising ceremony at city hall
‘I’m proud that we are the gayest city in the world’
OPED – Escalating Bigotry against LGBTQ+
Help us protect the symbol of love and diversity. The SAVE THE RAINBOW FLAG program is dedicated to preserving the right to fly the Rainbow Flag without fear of discrimination or legal repercussions. Your support is crucial in our fight against unjust bans and restrictions. Stand with us and make a difference today.